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TDoSD: Another Endorsement

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A couple of nights ago I received the second endorsement for The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. As I mentioned the first time an endorsement came in, I will continue to share these because, in many ways, I feel that this book was a community effort as readers of the site prayed for me, encouraged me, proofread the book (in a few cases), and generally made it all possible. This second endorsement was courtesy of Dr. Donald Whitney (who, as you know, is Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, president of the Center for Biblical Spirituality and the author of several books you really need to read).

The path to most biblical graces is bordered with hazards on both sides of the way. With love, for example, one must avoid the temptation toward indulgence on one side and varying degrees of apathy on the other. With the subject of this book–discernment–one can fall into the ditch of careless naivete on the left or wander into the dark woods of a critical spirit on the right. Tim Challies carefully guides his reader between these dangers and on toward Christlike discernment. I’ve simply never read a more thorough, practical, and biblically sound treatment of this subject. Anyone wanting to study biblical discernment should not miss this book.

Needless to say, I’m grateful to Dr. Whitney for reading the review and providing this blurb and am much encouraged by it.

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