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So Technology—Thanks for Everything!

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My book The Next Story: Life and Faith After the Digital Explosion is set to release on April 1. As part of the run-up to the book, the publisher created a trailer or commercial for it. And today I get to debut it here at the blog. The commercial seeks to lampoon our technological addiction and the fact that we tend to think we own our technology while, in reality, it may just own us.

I would be exceedingly grateful if you’d consider sharing the video via email, Twitter, Facebook, your blog or any other means you can think of. You’d be doing me a great favor in getting word out (look at the bottom of this blog post for buttons that can help you do that). You might also like to pre-order it, in which case I’ll sign your copy of the book before it ships.

(RSS readers will need to click through to see the video–or check it out at YouTube)

Also, I want to share an email I received last week from someone who received an advance copy of the book. This email was a huge, huge encouragement to me. “I spent some time this morning previewing your new book. Honestly, I wasn’t all that excited about a book on technology, etc, but I gotta say I am loving your book. It’s not only well-written (you have an engaging prose), it’s also incredibly insightful and wise. Yes, this book is filled with wisdom, depth and discernment. Thanks for writing it. I can tell you put a lot of work into this–both mind and heart work.” Why do I post that? Because I think it confirms what I was hoping when I wrote the book–that this is a subject that we can all benefit from studying. The Scripture demands a place in our thinking about technology.

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