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Reading “The Cross He Bore”

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The Cross He BoreEaster is fast approaching and, as you may remember, I thought it would be both fun and worthwhile to read a book together as we prepare to remember the Lord’s death and to celebrate his resurrection. The book that always come to mind this time of year is Frederick Leahy’s The Cross He Bore. This is a series of thirteen meditations on the sufferings of the Redeemer, beginning with Gethsemane and ending in the outer darkness. In his Foreword to the book, Edward Donnelly says, “in rereading these chapters, I found myself more than once compelled by emotion to stop – and then to worship. I cannot help feeling that this is exactly how they were written and that the author’s chief desire is that each of us who reads should be brought to gaze in fresh understanding and gratitude upon ‘the Son of God,’ who loved me and give himself for me.”

A few weeks ago I announced that I’d like to read the book with you and I know that a lot of you bought the book so you can read along (enough of you bought it, I believe, that it pretty well sold out. This is the second time we’ve bought up all of the copies of this book!). This is your reminder that we will begin to read it, one chapter per day, beginning this Sunday. So check back here Sunday morning for just a brief reflection on the first chapter.

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