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Prayer Request Update

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A couple of days ago I posted a prayer request for Steve Muse’s wife. Here is an update from Steve:

To my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am overwhelmed by your genuine concern and prayers for my wife Catherine. Please allow me to thank all of you for your love and for your continued prayer.

Please forgive me if you are hearing about this for the first time. Bud Press sent out a prayer request to many on his list and I may be missing some of you that did write and he may have missed many from my list.

If you did not here, Catherine was taken to the hospital yesterday morning when I could not wake her. I called 911 and she was rushed to the hospital. The trauma team worked on her for 9 hours to stabilize her, trying to stop internal bleeding and bring her blood pressure under control. The team did not succeed at first as her blood pressure crashed and was not detectable for nearly an hour, even having to do CPR to keep her heart beating. This team worked on her for hours, never giving up hope and she was brought up to Intensive Care where the work continued to stabilize her. She did not regain consciousness in the ER.

Catherine is still in extremely critical condition from the internal bleeding. She has not yet regained consciousness, is still in a coma and unresponsive. Her blood pressure is still not stable and her system has become septic because of the continued bleeding. The doctors cannot perform the surgery needed to find the bleed because her condition is so critical and unstable and her blood pressure must be stable to even do emergency surgery.

Even in Catherine’s present condition I believe that God is greater than the circumstances but I also realize that He knows our beginning and He knows our end. I trust Him to care for my wife whether here with us or with Him in eternity. Catherine does not belong to me but to Him.

Again I thank you for all of your prayers.

In His Love,
Steve Muse

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