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New and Notable Christian Books for February 2025

New and Notable February

February is typically a solid month for book releases, and this February was no exception. As the month drew to its close, I sorted through the many (many!) books that came my way this month and arrived at this list of new and notables. In each case, I’ve provided the editorial description to give you a sense of what it’s all about. I hope there’s something here that’s of interest to you!

The Steadfast Love of the Lord: Experiencing the Life-Changing Power of God’s Unchanging Affection by Sam Storms. “Many believers know that ‘God is love.’ But whether through cultural lies, false beliefs, or years of mulling over the tragedies of the world, it may be difficult to see the true, steadfast, and unchanging love of the Father. Thankfully the Bible offers a clear picture of what God’s love looks like and how, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, believers experience his affection for themselves. Taking an accessible approach to biblical theology, author Sam Storms explores Scripture to address what God’s love is and what it isn’t. Drawing insights from the Psalms and the life of Jesus, Storms covers God’s sovereignty and the saving power, longevity, and sin-killing nature of his love. The Steadfast Love of the Lord breaks down obstacles that prevent believers from accepting biblical truths and challenges the cultural lies that hinder them from accepting God’s vast and unfathomable love.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

Lest We Drift: Five Departure Dangers from the One True Gospel by Jared C. Wilson. “How do we keep from drifting away from what makes us who we are? How do we even know we’re drifting? In this provocative new book, Jared C. Wilson discusses the potentials and problems with evangelical departures from gospel-centrality. In a variety of ways, on both “the left” and “the right,” Wilson outlines these threats from angles sometimes imperceptible at first glance. As you read Lest We Drift, you will recognize the signs of drift in the faith and teaching, and learn to navigate the five particular dangers prevalent in the church today: persecution complex, spiritual dryness, superficial faith, attractional pragmatism, cultural legalism. With biblical wisdom and cultural insight, this book will help you identify these potential hazards in your own Christian life and church; becoming better alert to the need to’”pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it’ (Heb. 2:1).” (Buy it at Amazon)

Morning and Evening: A New Edition of the Classic Devotional by Charles Spurgeon, edited by Alistair Begg. Alistair Begg’s modernization of Morning and Evening has been around for a while, but has just gotten a nice new cover treatment. “For over 100 hundred years, Christians have started and ended each day with Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening as a companion. Featuring two brief daily readings throughout the year, this classic devotional emphasizes the importance of abiding in Christ and consistently meditating on God’s word. The richness of Spurgeon’s biblical understanding offers a look into the heart of one of England’s foremost pastors and enduring Christian authors. In this edition, his lasting message is made even more accessible by pastor Alistair Begg’s careful modernizing of Spurgeon’s English. Begg, who has a deep love for Spurgeon’s preaching and especially for this work, has maintained Morning and Evening’s clear passion and commitment to Christ. Along with updated language, this edition uses the English Standard Version as the scriptural text, providing an accurate, understandable foundation for each reading.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

Pain of a Particular Kind by Peter Barnes. “There are few things which any parent dreads more than the thought of outliving his or her child, or grandchild. The deaths of parents, friends, relatives and even one’s spouse are terrible indeed, but the death of one’s child possesses a peculiar kind of horror. In four brief chapters, Peter Barnes draws on his own experience to offer help to those who have suffered such a loss. As he says in the Introduction, ‘This is not a work of apologetics, but a brief attempt to understand and work through grief, for myself, my family, and for any other readers. It has only heightened the sense of my own need to receive comfort myself. Such comfort can only come from the God who is our creator and our redeemer. The hope remains that God will use this book to minister to and bless any of his people who have suffered the agony of losing a child.’” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

The Art of Disagreeing: How to Keep Calm and Stay Friends in Hard Conversations by Gavin Ortlund. “In this positive and practical book, Gavin Ortlund looks to the Scriptures to discover a way in which to disagree with others that leads to greater understanding, peace, and love—and that shows a watching world something of Jesus. This is a much-needed message in a society that is losing the ability to disagree well. Whether over politics, religion, or culture, or the more everyday issues of normal life, points of view tend to be held with a polarizing intensity. Too often we view disagreements as must-win contests or simply do our best to avoid them altogether. Looking to Jesus’ example of courage and kindness, readers will be given a framework for engaging in intense disagreements with a love that furthers instead of hinders relationships. So, whether you tend to fight or flee, learn how to keep calm and stay friends—even when you disagree.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

Understanding Trauma: A Biblical Introduction for Church Care by Steve Midgley. “Many of us long to serve and be there for those who are suffering from trauma, but we don’t know how to do so in a way that is caring and helpful. This book enables Christians, and especially pastors, elders, and ministry leaders, to understand what trauma is and how it affects people, including their experience of church, so that we can lovingly support those who are suffering from it. Author Steve Midgley trained as a psychiatrist before being ordained, served as Vicar of Christ Church Cambridge for 18 years and is now the Executive Director of Biblical Counselling UK. He writes with wisdom and compassion to summarize current understanding in this area, gives a biblical perspective, and makes lots of practical suggestions about how churches can be sensitive to, and be there for, those who have experienced trauma. This book will help whole church communities to help and care for those who are struggling with trauma.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

The Final Triumph of God: Jesus, the Eyewitnesses, and the Resurrection of the Body in 1 Corinthians 15 by James P. Ware. “A groundbreaking exposition of the resurrection hope in 1 Corinthians 15 Making a compelling case based on new evidence and fresh exposition, James Ware affirms the church’s historic reading of 1 Corinthians 15. He shows that the apostolic formula in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 proclaims, in continuity with the Gospels, the resurrection of Jesus’s crucified body from the tomb, and that the hope of the resurrection described in 1 Corinthians 15:12-58 involves the miraculous revivification of our present bodies of flesh and bones and their transformation to imperishability. Ware’s monumental study is unmatched for its comprehensive examination of the historical setting, literary structure, syntax, and vocabulary of 1 Corinthians 15. This in-depth verse-by-verse commentary provides new insights into the text, original solutions to hitherto seemingly irresolvable difficulties, and a convincing reading of the chapter unfolding its rich theology of the resurrection as the consummation of union with Christ.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

Understanding God’s Word: An Introduction to Interpreting the Bible by Jon Nielson. “A faithful believer will spend their lifetime interpreting God’s word. But when confused by ancient and complex texts or led astray by small-group discussion, readers are at risk of making faulty conclusions and unbiblical applications. How can Christians correctly interpret and faithfully apply Scripture to their lives the way God intends? This helpful guide presents 6 hermeneutical tools and demonstrates how to use them effectively in personal or small-group Bible studies. These tools are designed to help Christians read carefully and in context, identify core themes and main points, discover Christ in each passage, and respond faithfully within their own lives. Part of the Theology Basics series, this guide by author and pastor Jon Nielson makes biblical interpretation clear, meaningful, and practical for those looking for a highly accessible guide to studying God’s word.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

Grateful: 30 Days of Growing in Thankfulness by Allison Brost. “Become more and more grateful each day with the help of this 30-day devotional. Uproot the weeds of discontent and begin to plant daily seeds of thanksgiving that bloom into joy and fulfillment. When life feels mundane or trials come our way, thanking God for his blessings doesn’t always come naturally. This devotional shows how offering a sacrifice of praise can transform our own outlook on life and remind us of Jesus’ goodness and generosity. Each devotion begins with a verse on thankfulness and ends with a practical thing to do or pray in response to God’s word. As readers grow in gratitude, they will experience a deeper sense of peace, contentment, and joy.” (Buy it at Amazon)

But Now I See: Eye-Opening Light from the Gospel of John by Gerald M. Bilkes. “The Gospel of John witnesses to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet it is apparent from John’s account that not everyone who perceived Jesus with their physical eyes saw Him for who He truly is. In But Now I See, Gerald M. Bilkes walks us through a study of this gospel, sharing the same intent as the apostolic author, ‘that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name’ (John 20:31). As you read about how Jesus is the light; the Lamb of God; the way, the truth, the life; the resurrection; the Vine; and so much more, may you also come to say, ‘We beheld his glory’ (John 1:14).” (Buy it at Amazon)

The Afternoon of Life: Finding Purpose and Joy in Midlife, Second Edition by Elyse Fitzpatrick. “With humor, transparency, and biblical wisdom, Elyse Fitzpatrick shows that God uses the challenges of middle age—often the most difficult time in a woman’s life—to glorify himself and sanctify us. Drawing on Scripture and the stories of friends, she shows that when we cling to him as the source of our joy, peace, and blessing, we can laugh at the days to come.” (Buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books)

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