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My Book Is Now Available for Pre-Order!

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Tim Begs Shamelessly…

The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment As of this very moment, The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment (written by yours truly and with a Foreword by John MacArthur) is available for pre-sale through this site. As a bonus I’ll be signing all copies purchased in advance. This is the only place you’ll be able to order a signed copy.

The book will become available near the end of December and will be shipped to you as soon as I get my hands on it. Because I will be in Chattanooga at the time the book releases, it will ship from there. The publisher’s suggested retail price is $16.99 and I’m offering it for a nice round $17 which includes shipping via media mail. I realize the book may eventually be a little bit less expensive at online retailers, but I simply can’t sell it as cheaply as they can or I’d be losing money on every sale! Plus, I’m including shipping. So there.

So here’s the deal. I’m not the kind to beg, but I’m assuming that quite a few of this site’s readers intend to buy the book. If you do, I’d sure appreciate it if you’d consider buying it in advance and buying it through my site. It allows me to offer the book for a price similar to what you’d eventually pay elsewhere, but keeps just a little bit more of the proceeds here at home. And that, as I see it, is a good thing.

You can learn about the book, read the endorsements, and buy it right here.

Buy It!

So here’s the part where you go nuts and buy one for yourself and a few for your friends. You know the drill!

Some readers have asked if the book will be available on time for them to give as a Christmas gift. Unfortunately, it will not. However, if you would like to make a gift of it, I can offer you a card you can print and give to your loved one(s). The card will say that you’ve got the book on-order and that it will arrive (signed by the author!) very shortly after Christmas Day.

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