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Help Me Interview Paul Washer

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Paul WasherLater this week I am going to have the opportunity to interview Paul Washer. You probably know him as the man who preached the Shocking Youth Message, but there is much more to him than that. He was a missionary in Peru for ten years and in that time he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society to support Peruvian church planters. He now serves full-time with the HeartCry Missionary Society while also speaking at conferences and writing books.

As I considered this interview, I thought it would be interesting to have an open mic, so to speak, by allowing those of you who read this site to suggest questions I could ask him.

So here is your chance to ask Paul Washer anything at all, or anything at all within reason. I would like to focus the questions on Washer, his books, his ministry and perhaps some contemporary events. This is probably not the best time to ask those theological or personal questions that you have been wondering about. Instead, let’s ask about him, his years of ministry, the books he has written, and maybe especially his most recent book The Gospel Call & True Coversion (the second in a trilogy called “Recovering the Gospel”).

Suggest a Question

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