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Down and Out

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This wasn’t quite how I had imagined my homecoming from the Desiring God conference. In retrospect, I guess ordering the shepherd’s pie at Brit’s in downtown Minneapolis was where I went wrong. By the time I reached Milwakuee on the first leg of my trip home I was feeling a bit “off.” By the time we reached the Toronto airport, I figured I was in trouble. By the time I got back to my home I was violently ill, about as sick as I’ve ever been, I think. It was to the point where my wife was about ready to send me off to the hospital. I was up, quite literally, all night, and am just now able to even think about cracking open the computer. Thankfully, as food poisoning seems to go, this was reasonably short-lived, though I’m guessing it’s going to take me another day or so to get back on my feet (and catch up with the sleep I lost last night). But that was, and to some extent still is, just an awful bout with food poisoning.

I was hoping to post some reflections on the conference today, but that is likely going to have to wait until tomorrow. The same is true of tidying up John Piper’s sermon from yesterday. And now I’m heading back to a more horizontal position to try to get a bit of shut-eye.

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