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Day Twenty Five – Transformed By Trouble

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Because today is a very busy Sunday, this is an abbreviated look at day twenty five of The Purpose Driven Life

God has a purpose behind every trouble. God uses circumstances to develop my character. God will often use tough times in life to test me and mold me into Christ’s likeness. Through the hard times I need to remember that God is in control and that He has promised to work all things for good. This means that despite adversity I need to have faith that God is in control and that He will bring some good out of what may seem like an impossible situation.

Bible Passages

Warren quotes the Bible thirty one times using seven translations and paraphrases. The only quote that stood out as problematic was his use of Jeremiah 29:11 which he applies to all Christians even though the promise was given under specific circumstances. I have previous covered this in more detail.

Point to Ponder

Today’s point to ponder is “there is a purpose behind every problem.” In a sense I always feel guilty when talking about adversity. My life thus far has been ridiculously free from real trouble. Yes I have had some periods in my life that were tough, but when I compare it to what other people have gone through, either people in the Bible or people I know, it seems that I have never had to bear a heavy weight. I have lived a sheltered life and really don’t feel that I have much to comment on when it comes to adversity. I sometimes think fatalistically and make myself believe that some horrible calamity will have to befall me sooner or later and it is during that time that I will see what my faith is really made of. If it does happen I know that God will be there for me and certainly hope and pray that I will be able to stand strong in and through Him.

Up Next

Tomorrow’s topic is Growing Through Temptation

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