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A Pastoral Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

From time to time, probably every month or so, I like to share an example of a pastoral prayer that was prayed at Grace Fellowship Church. The pastoral prayer is a time for one of the pastors or elders to pray on behalf of the congregation and to intercede on their behalf. It’s a precious element of a service. This particular prayer was prayed by Dwight, one of our pastors.

O, great God, your word is true when it says, “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the one against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.” And your people rejoice because your word is true for us in Him. Your word is true in Jesus Christ our great God and Saviour, who from the foundation of the world determined to saved his people, and in the fullness of time brought about the salvation of billions. We thank you for saving us and for hearing our confession and for granting us your forgiveness.

Truly you are a God to be feared for your word says “who is like you in all the earth?” And yet you allow weak and feeble sheep to draw close to you. We find our delight in your presence, for “You make known to us the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Father thank you. Thank you for the finished work of Jesus, the finished work that you have accepted on our behalf.

As we come together this morning in your presence, won’t you be merciful and gracious to your people. We are thankful for all the ways you’ve worked in our midst. You are a God who answers prayer. You are a God who stoops to hear the petitions of your people. And so we thank you for the life of [a baby born with significant health challenges]. Thank you for his birth. Thank you for the faith and wisdom you’ve given to [his parents]. And thank you for the skill and precision you’ve given to the medial staff. Father, let our hearts rejoice as we see the answer to our prayers. Let our hearts sing your praises as we watch the unfolding of something that we asked for, something that you did, simply for your good pleasure. Thank you for this day of rejoicing where “our mouths can be filled with laughter and our tongues with shouts of joy, truly you have done great things for us and we are glad.” And now we pray that you would heal him, that you would give wisdom and skill to the doctors that they would protect and preserve his life. Please bless his parents so they can rejoice even through many difficulties to come.

Bless our church Lord, bless those who serve, those who prepare for our assembling, the HOST Teams, those who meet us at the doors, those who direct us in the parking lot, those who care for our children while we sit in the service. Thank you. You have given us many reasons for rejoicing and many reasons for giving thanks. Thank you for these who exemplify so well your words where you say “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Thank you for these brothers and sisters who are willing to go low and serve us all. Would you bless their service, Lord. We don’t see all the things they endure on our behalf, but you do and so I pray that you would bless their work, and use it to your glory.

And as for us, bring us together under the banner of Christ. Bring us together for your name’s sake. Let your people be joined one to another in true Christian love so that the world might know that we are your people and that you are our God. Won’t you bring a great unity into our midst so that we might be one church of one mind and one purpose, which is to delight in you, to your glory, and for the good of all.

Bless our brother as he brings your word. I pray that he won’t worry about his words, but that he would trust that you have prepared this day for your purpose so that your people might be blessed by the preaching of your word. Pastor Steve may sow and water, but we know that you must give the increase. So please give that increase we pray, Lord. Amen.

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