Today’s Kindle deals include a bunch of books from all over the place. There may be something there that catches your eye.
Why a Church Playground Matters for Religious Liberty
Joe Carter explains. “In a key victory for religious liberty, the Supreme Court ruled yesterday the state of Missouri violated the Free Exercise Clause when it excluded a church from a general program to purchase recycled tires and resurface its playground because it was a religious institution.”
Meet Jack Phillips (Video)
Jack Phillips finds himself at the center of the controversy about wedding cakes.
A Spiritual Barometer Check
“The man who stops growing in knowledge of God ceases seeking God. But here is the essential question, has that knowledge heightened our love for the saints? What does our love for our brothers and sisters in Christ look like? Christians love Christians. And the more we grow in Christ, the more we will love His bride.”
I Was a Christian Woman Addicted to Porn
“The first memory I have of watching pornography is when I was 11 years old. It’s amazing that I didn’t even have the vocabulary to describe what I was witnessing, yet the innocence of my brain and body were gone in an instant.”
Meet the New “Twicer”
“From what I understand, ‘the twicer’ used to refer to the person who went to church twice a day (think of the days of morning and evening prayer). It then began to refer to the nominal churchgoer who would attend twice a year, the ‘Christmas and Easter’ Christian. When I heard the phrase recently, it was used to refer to the committed churchgoer. That is, to describe a regular churchgoer—who attends church just twice a month on average.”
10 Ways Church Leaders May Cultivate Gossip
Just like the title says…
iPhone Documentary (Video)
This is a neat little mini-documentary on the iPhone, one of those devices that quite literally changed the world.
What Your Kids Really Need
“I went to a conference a few years ago and sat in a room with a hundred other women, perched on the edge of my chair with my notebook and pen in hand. A mother of six children got up to speak, looking thin and radiant with her long blonde hair and perfectly made up face.” Uh oh.
Flashback: Have You Looked Into the Mirror Today?
You don’t have to be image-obsessed to grasp the importance of the occasional glance in the mirror as a means of protecting yourself from awkwardness and embarrassment.