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Weekend A La Carte (September 24)

Also, I think most or all audiobooks on Amazon/Audible are 65% off for a few days. Start here, then search for the audiobook you want. You may just find a good deal on it.

If you’re after something for your daily devotions (in printed, not audio format) perhaps take a look at this new David Powlison devotional.

Today’s Kindle deals include some newer and older books.

(Yesterday on the blog: When Church Leadership Goes Wrong)

Be Angry and Do Not Sin

Ed Welch considers what it means to be angry yet not sin. “The problem is that we are happy to exploit what seems to be a legal loophole. Anger, in its very nature, is self-justifying. My anger is righteous; your anger is not. So if we are to find some righteous wiggle room here, we must proceed very carefully.”

Rejoice (Video)

The Gettys released a new album yesterday that is well worth a listen. One of the top tracks on it is “Rejoice” which features Rend Collective.

Uprooting Bitterness

Paul Tautges is doing some writing on bitterness. “Bitterness was taking root, confirming to me that their sin was greater than mine. The wrong they did to us is more serious than my failure to trust God, I thought. For months, I prayed in anger and lacked self-awareness of what was happening inside me.”

What REALLY Happened at Nicaea

I appreciate these Red Pen Logic videos that quickly answer common objections to Christianity, like this one which claims that the canon of Scripture was established at Nicaea.

When You Can’t Meet Every Need

I appreciate what Lauren says here about her inability to meet all the needs of all the people in her family. “‘I can’t meet all of their needs, but I can meet this one.’”

To the “Young and Inexperienced” Counselor

“I am 27 years old. I’m not married and I don’t have children. I’m not a pastor or a deacon. These are usually the first things I tell my counselees because they are surprised at my youth when they walk into my counseling room. I can tell that their first thought is, ‘how can this young man help me with my circumstances when he hasn’t experienced what I’m experiencing?’”

Flashback: Maintaining Confidence in the Process

We overestimate what God will do in us over a year, but underestimate what God will accomplish in us through a lifetime of submitting ourselves to his process, to his great means of sanctification. Though it’s right to be harsh with our sin, it’s also right to be patient with our growth.

I don’t always feel His presence. But God’s promises do not depend upon my feelings; they rest upon His integrity.

—R.C. Sproul

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