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Weekend A La Carte (September 19)

I want to commend to you this episode of the Ministry Network Podcast (whether or not you’re in ministry). It’s about prayer and I found it encouraging, challenging, and endearingly eclectic.

There are a few Kindle deals for your enjoyment today.

(Yesterday on the blog: New Religions for a Godless World)

Three(ish) Views of Contraception

This article at Reformation21 explains the most common Christian perspectives on contraception and arrives at an important principle.

Cuties and Cognitive Dissonance

I think Samuel James is on to something here. “Everywhere I look I see evidence of people whose deepest moral intuitions are negative. They don’t know what they believe, but they definitely know who their enemy is. They don’t have a vision of human flourishing, but they can finger the people who will enslave us all. This is deeper and worse than polarization.”

Good and Evil in the Lord of the Rings

Keith Mathison has been writing some really interesting articles about The Lord of the Rings. In this one he looks at its concepts of good and evil.

C.s. Lewis’s Apologetics: A Reformed Assessment

Meanwhile, writing for Reformed Perspective, Wes Bredenhof offers, well, a reformed perspective on the apologetics of C.S. Lewis.

Looking to What is Unseen

Lauren Washer: “You don’t need me to tell you all the ways life in 2020 has felt uncertain and unstable. Everyday things are changing—in our communities, in the world, even in our own souls. We’re tired from the countless unknowns about tomorrow. We want answers. We want things to return to normal. We want to understand why God would allow all of this to happen, and not bring it to an end. Essentially, we want to see what God has chosen to remain hidden from our sight. He knows what’s happening. He has a plan. And yet for some reason, in the goodness of his sovereignty, he’s left us in the dark.”

Money Motivates Me to Work Hard — Is That Okay?

Someone asked John Piper this question and here’s his response.

Learning Contentment

There are few greater skills to learn, or traits to display, than contentment. “There’s a pervasive restlessness, anger, and frustration in our society that’s palpable. Everywhere we go, we see people who aren’t satisfied or at rest with their present situation. The problem isn’t just ‘out there’ in the unbelieving world. It’s widespread in the church as well. The truth is, most of us reading this article are probably struggling with discontentment. I know I’ve been.”

Flashback: How To Lose Your Zeal for Christ

Are you zealous for Christ? Do you have a genuine zeal to live for him and to advance his cause in the world? Or have you lost the zeal that once marked you?

They that will not be taught by the word shall be judged by the word.

—Thomas Watson

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