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Weekend A La Carte (October 24)

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Historical Is Not Enough

Carl Trueman says it well here: “Christians must be self-consciously historical in both thought and life.” Some people like historical Christianity, but without really believing it.

Relevant, Old Paths

Burk Parsons: “My father’s values were old, traditional values. But just because they were old and traditional didn’t necessarily make them good. They were good values because they were biblical values, and biblical values are relevant in every generation.”

UP In Real Life

This is fun: A couple celebrating their sixtieth anniversary by playing the theme song from UP.

What To Pay

You may have heard of Dan Price who decided to pay all 120 of his employees at least $70,000. This article talks about what he did, why he did it, and how it suddenly became a worldwide news story.

Anti-Secrecy Site Releases Abortion Industry Videos

WORLD: “An online news site that emphasizes publishing information ignored by mainstream media has obtained and posted to YouTube 11 Center for Medical Progress (CMP) videos a judge ordered the pro-life group not to release.”

This Day in 1826. Ann Hasseltine Judson, wife of Burma missionary Adoniram Judson, died on the field 189 years ago today. 6 months later, their daughter would also die. *

The First Person To Run A Marathon Without Talking About It

Here’s a good little bit of satire: A profile of the first person to ever run a marathon without telling everyone about it.

The Story of Philosophy

Thanks to P&R and John Frame for sponsoring the blog this week with “The Story of Philosophy.”


The more we get to know God, the more we want to know him better.

—D.A. Carson

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