Today’s Kindle deals include, as usual, just a few worth checking out.
Do I Have to Call Myself a Calvinist? (Video)
Dr. Thomas Schreiner answers “Do I have to call myself a Calvinist?”
4 Myths that Keep College Students from Joining a Church
Just like the title says, here are four myths that keep college students from joining a church.
The AI That Has Nothing to Learn From Humans
The machines are taking over!
Beautiful Eulogy has a new album out, and, like all their music, it’s absolutely free.
Timothy George Lectures on the Reformation
Justin Taylor lists some recommended church history lectures.
The Beauty of Normal Boring Liturgy
“Our weekly routine of liturgy has at its centre the most astonishing claim in the universe, that God’s Son came to the world incarnate, lived the life we should have lived, died the death we should have died, was raised for our justification, ascended, rules, and will one day return to renew the creation and complete the work of glory within his people that his Spirit has begun.”
The Battle Between Baseball and Cricket for American Sporting Supremacy
“In early summer 1859, St. George’s Cricket Club found itself at an existential crossroads. Established in 1838, the Manhattan-based organization had for decades worked assiduously to, in the words of an 1859 club pamphlet, ‘see Cricket more generally established, better understood, and more regularly practiced’ in America. In this quest, the club had initially benefited from its sport’s old-world cachet. Cricket offered American sportsmen a uniform and replicable product. Conversely, its chief competitor—’Base Ball’—had until recently remained provincial and largely underdeveloped.”
Flashback: Why the Local Church Really Matters
As we prepare to worship God tomorrow, it may do us good to pause for just a few moments to consider the local church. What is the church? Why has God called us into these little communities? Does the local church really matter?
How To Talk To Your Kids About Human Dignity
My thanks goes to ERLC for sponsoring the blog this week.