There is just one Kindle deal today, and it’s for a classic book that has just been republished in a nice new format.
(Yesterday on the blog: Eight Ways Satan Tempts You To Doubt Your Salvation)
Zawadi, the Parents Who Waited for Her, and the God of Miracles
Now this is beautiful! “I had the privilege of watching the awe-inspiring, miraculous transformation of their hearts during those years. As they wrestled with God in the darkness and through the unknown, and as they waited, and waited, and waited, God transformed them into different people. In this last year or two, though their situation had not changed, the peace and joy they radiated could only be supernatural.”
What Is the Rapture?
Here’s an answer that comes from David Chapman (and is adapted from the new ESV Expository Commentary). “After the believing dead have been raised, the story shifts to the believers who remain alive at the time of Jesus’ return. This verse has been the subject of much controversy, principally about what it means for living believers to be ‘caught up together with them in the clouds’ and to ‘meet the Lord in the air.’”
Donall and Conall Learn That Jesus Isn’t Divine
It’s told through satire, but this explanation of the divinity of Jesus (contra Jehovah’s Witnesses) is actually pretty helpful.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year
There are some stunning photos in this collection.
The Perfect Wrestler
I enjoyed reading this longform piece, though I wish they had explored the first angle a little more. “Kyle Snyder has two life goals: conduct himself as much like Jesus Christ as possible, and technically, creatively, and aesthetically master the sport of wrestling.”
What to Do When the New Testament Quotes the Old
“Since the Bible had no verse divisions until the 16th century AD, we ought to consider what this implies about how to read and study the Bible. Ancient readers had no map or reference system to pinpoint particular statements. They could not speak with precision about a textual location such as Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14.”
Should Christians Give to The Church?
Conrad Mbewe provides a brief look at biblical giving in this video.
Flashback: Do You Set an Example in Your Conduct?
All the time, in every way, in all of life, God challenges you to be an example of godliness to other Christians.
2 Reasons Why Coveting Is a Serious Sin
I’m grateful to Crossway for sponsoring the blog this week with an article from Kevin DeYoung.