Be sure to read this fantastic review of The Bible Tells Me So, a new and troubling book to Peter Enns. It seems that he is attempting to do for the Bible what Rob Bell did for hell.
I am thankful to Truth Remains for sponsoring the blog this week; you can watch a free documentary about the English Bible at the link.
Ed Welch has an article about The Hopeless Marriage. “I hate that hopelessness. The choices are to persist in the relationship and see who dies first or to craft an independent life and try to pretend you don’t care. Either way, your soul withers. It is hard to have a vibrant life with God when your primary relationship is in the dumper.”
This video shows how to draw a perfect circle freehand. Scoff all you want, but someday you’ll actually be glad to have watched it.
Al Mohler writes about the ugly situation in Houston . “Here was a legal demand, sent to Christian pastors in the name of one of America’s largest cities, to surrender…” sermons related to homosexuality.