I’m grateful to P&R for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about a beautiful 40-day illustrated devotional of classic literature. Sponsors are crucial for keeping this site going so I appreciate each and every one.
I don’t often expect a lot of Kindle deals on Saturdays, but today’s an exception. There are some good picks there such as Jackie Hill Perry’s Holier Than Thou.
(Yesterday on the blog: Now’s the Time to Prepare to Prepare for Christmas)
Waiting on God Means Releasing the Right to Control Your Life
Mark Vroegop: “Why is it so easy to get angry when we have to wait? It seems like that‘s our natural go-to response. There are other things that we may embrace when we‘re waiting that are unhelpful, like getting anxious or apathetic. But for most of us, myself included, our natural knee-jerk reaction is frustration, low-grade anger, or really angry.”
Approach, My Soul (Video)
You’ll enjoy this new adaptation of an old song.
The Difficult, Possibly Unfixable Lot of Chronic Illness… in This Life
Those who live with chronic illness may benefit from reading this article.
Lessons From George Muller
Justin shares a few valuable lessons from the life of George Muller.
A comforting verse for unimpressive, not so great preachers
“Unimpressive” and “not so great” describes the majority of those of us who preach, doesn’t it?
Love the Church Like Jesus
David Mathis writes about the foolishness of focusing on the church’s flaws and blind spots.
Flashback: Life Is Fleeting
Scarcely do we draw our first breath before we draw our last. Scarcely do we open our eyes before we close them once more. Scarcely do we live before we die.