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Weekend A La Carte (November 30)

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My gratitude goes to 21Five, the bookstore of Redeemer University (in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) for sponsoring the blog this week. If you’re shopping in Canada or for Canadians, be sure give them a look.

Yesterday I linked to a ton of Black Friday deals for Christians. Most of those specials are still available today and a few more have been added. Check back again on Cyber Monday to see what’s new.

The same is true of Kindle deals in that most of yesterday’s massive selection are still available while others have been added.

(Yesterday on the blog: Black Friday Deals for Christians)

Is Christianity on the Cusp of Resurgence?

“No revival can happen without the work of the Spirit. And the work of the Spirit will produce fruit leading to repentance and reliance upon Christ’s finished work on the cross, not upon the idea of Christianity, or the mental health and social benefits of Christianity. And certainly true Christianity cannot fall into becoming another social identity just like any other social identity. We are Christians because God’s revealed Word expresses the order of the cosmos, not because we want to differentiate ourselves from Others (Progressives, the Woke, and so on).”

Britain Votes for Death

The specific context is the UK but it applies more widely than that. “We are entering a new dark age: one where suicide has become not only legal, but celebrated as compassionate; where the hard-earned money of diligent citizens will be used to purchase the cocktail of pills that will snuff out the life of the elderly and the infirm, administered by the hand that ought to save. One where the selfless and infirm will feel, in the midst of misplaced compassion, the bitter call of death and self-murder – and none of us will be able to stop them.”

One Year After Goodbye

Andy Stearns reflects movingly and hopefully on the year since his wife went to be with the Lord.

Christmas Isn’t in the Bible

This is a useful reminder that celebrating Christmas isn’t in the Bible and therefore can’t measure spirituality and should not bind consciences.

A Few Thoughts on Picking Songs For Your Church

Jacob shares some useful thoughts on picking songs to sing as a church.

Why We Gather

“For the Christian, gathering in fellowship should never be considered a chore or a begrudged obligation. Instead, meeting together to serve God and others in the ways we’ve been gifted is a glorious privilege. It’s something that the Lord has designed for us to do for eternity.”

Flashback: You Are Still a Mother

Weaving together Scripture, poetry, quotes, and her own insights, Gibson has written a book that is sure to bless and comfort mothers who know the pain of a stillbirth or the grief of a miscarriage. It would be hard to recommend it too highly.

Expect Satan to tempt you most viciously at those moments and periods when you are seeking God most vigorously.

—Jeremy Walker

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