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Weekend A La Carte (November 30)

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I continue to update Black Friday Kindle Deals for Christian Readers and Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2013 Deals for Christians as I learn about new and interesting bargains.

9 Recommended Books on Leadership – Matt Perman has a list of 9 books on leadership you may want to consider reading. He also provides a helpful defense of reading general market books on leadership.

Engagements: The New Weddings – Yes, engagements have turned public and competitive. “It used to be that the most important decision a man had to make (after choosing the girl) was what type of ring to buy. Now he’s got to plan a knockout proposal—at least something cool and clever enough to go viral on YouTube.”

Does God Listen to Rap? – Justin Taylor: “Recently a panel answered a question on reformed rap.” He offers some resources and points to a new book by Curtis Allen you may want to check out. Mike Cosper also adds to the conversation, though I think parts of his reaction may be a little too strong.

Clara’s Heart – Jesse Johnson shares a sweet video: “Joe and Jo Portnoy are part of Immanuel Bible Church (the church I pastor), and this year they have been through a tremendous trail with their only child, Clara. On Thanksgiving they told our church how thankful they are for God’s goodness, for God’s salvation, and for the constant reminder that no story ends in this life.”

Free Speech – Here’s a good, short video on the value of free speech. Real free speech, that is.


Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell.

—David Platt

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