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Weekend A La Carte (November 21)

A La Carte Collection cover image

There is not much new on the ebook front today, but it’s probably just as well–next week will be big because of Black Friday. Already I’m putting together a list of a ton of deals on books, ebooks, and lots of other good material. So be sure to check in on Friday.

Running Away with the Circus

Here’s an interesting reflection on the circus in the age of mass digital entertainment. Is there still a place for it in today’s world?

The Generation That Doesn’t Remember Life Before Smartphones

While we are on the subject of this digital world, Popular Mechanics covers the American teenager as the first generation that has no memory of life before smartphones.

On Being Matt Chandler’s Roommate

I enjoyed this one: “My sophomore year a student transferred in who captured the attention and imagination of much of the student body. His name was Matt Chandler.”

Four Types of Worship Teams

Jamie Brown reflects on four different types of worship teams, four approaches to how to structure, view, and lead a team.

That Old-Timey Accent

Ever noticed that people in old movies all kind of talked with the same funny accent? Here’s why.

How Should Christians Think About the Refugee Crisis?

Here is Russell Moore’s take on how we should think about the refugee crisis. He says to stop pitting security and compassion against each other.

Tomorrow in 1963. 52 years ago tomorrow beloved British author, apologist, and scholar C.S. Lewis died—one week before his 65th birthday. *

Why Isn’t It Faster to Fly West?

If the earth is spinning to the east at 1000 miles per hour, why can’t we fly west more easily? This video explains.

Thinking Conference

If you’re in Toronto, or looking for an excuse to visit, you might want to look at the Thinking conference. It should be a good one!

The New Man

Thanks to P&R for sponsoring the blog this week with an article entitled ‘Men, We Can’t Just ‘Do It’.”


The story of every great Christian achievement is the history of answered prayer.

—E.M. Bounds

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