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Weekend A La Carte (May 8)


Good morning. May God grant you his richest blessings as you serve and worship him this weekend.

Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of options.

(Yesterday on the blog: Gospel-Driven Ministry)

Preparing for the Stewardship of Persecution

I’ve been thinking about this, too. “Since becoming a pastor I’ve been convinced that one of my most important responsibilities it to preach and pray in a way that prepares people to suffer for the glory of God. Suffering – which is a wide and broad biblical category – is a stewardship given to Christians and the church which must be stewarded well.”

Is My Repentance Real If I Keep Committing the Same Sin?

John Piper answers: “Let me start with a clarification of how to even pose the question in language that I think is perhaps more consistent with the way the New Testament speaks than the way Doug set it up. Doug uses the word repent to pose the question that he has. He says, ‘Does true repentance mean that we never ask God’s forgiveness for the same sin twice? How can I say that I have repented if I commit the same types of sin over and over?’ I would suggest that we not use the word repent for the way we respond to daily sinning as Christians. That may surprise people, but let me try to explain.”

What to Do When You Sin

And here’s a slightly different take on sin and repentance, this one from Randy Alcorn.

Seeking the Silver Lining

“Was there any bright side at all to the events of the past year? Medically speaking, yes,” according to Charles Horton, M.D.

Supersonic Planes are Coming Back (Video)

I’ll believe it when I see it. But perhaps the time is finally right.

A Cold Take on Deconversion (from Josh Harris’s Brother)

Here are some interesting highlights from a conversation with Josh Harris’s brother Alex.

Flashback: 5 Questions To Ask of a Book Before You Read It

All of this is designed to help you filter the few books you will read from the thousands you could read.

I argue that the primary reason we misinterpret the Bible is not because the Holy Spirit has failed to do His work, but because we have failed to do ours.

—R.C. Sproul

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