Tullian Apologizes – If you’ve been following the disagreement between Tullian Tchvidjian and The Gospel Coalition, you should read Tullian’s apology. (You may also like to read Russell Moore’s reflections on it.)
25 Words that Are Their Own Opposites – English is a fascinating language and somehow allows things like this–words that are their own opposites.
GooBing Detroit – Here’s a fascinating site that compares Google Streetview pictures of Detroit over several years, highlighting the city’s decay. Be sure to scroll down a little bit.
What Was Jesus Praying in the Garden? – Here is some assistance in understanding what Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.
How Many Stars in the Milky Way? – It’s awfully hard to know, but here’s a shot at an answer. Ultimately, though, it comes down to plus or minus a few hundred billion.
Fasting from Technology – Thomas Kidd offers some helpful thoughts on fasting from technology.
Dispatches from the Front – This video serves as a kind of prologue to the Dispatches from the Front DVDs.