Small God, Big Storm – “How many times have I read or watched a news report about the devastation, caused by a tornado in some part of the country? Dozens maybe. … This time it was different. This time a friend of mine–and two of his children–died.”
Terrible International Aid Ideas – Here is a list of ways people thought they could help but actually just made things worse.
MLJ: World’s Best Grandfather – I enjoyed this article from Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ grandson.
Snapchat’s New Update – Parents whose kids use Snapchat should read this and be aware of what Snapchat is and does.
Do Christians Overhype Porn Addiction? – Granted he’s writing for Covenant Eyes, but the points are still valid.
7 Lessons from Failure – David shares some of what he has learned from failure. In a similar vein J.D. Payne says The Conference No One Hosts Is the One You Need to Attend.
Field Trip to a Junkyard – This sounds like a worthwhile activity.