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Weekend A La Carte (May 29)

May God bless and keep you as you serve him in the weekend ahead.

Today’s Kindle deals include a list of classics.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for May 2021)

I Do and I Will

“There is a glorious triumvirate in a Christian marriage: God…husband…wife. Through the scuffing and scars and suffering, your footing will become more sure, only if you first bow in obedience to God. Ephesians 5:21-33 has taken Jon and I years to practice and learn. It is the simplest and most difficult formula to flesh out. But it works.”

The Shepherd of the Vulnerable

Jamie Charles: “Our adversary also knows what makes a vulnerable Christian. It might be a besetting sin or intense suffering. It might be spiritual sensitivity or guilt. Or, it might be something physical like pregnancy and postpartum. The devil goes for the slow, weak, unsuspecting, or naive. And we might be surprised to know that sometimes the weakest Christian is actually the one who is quite confident in herself.”

Making Sense of Unanswered Prayer

Amy Hall attempts to make sense of unanswered prayer. “I don’t think we can know why God answers some particular prayers the way we want and not others, though we canknow the two main goals God is working towards in and through our lives regardless of how he answers…”

Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna: Are there Differences?

Jesse Johnson: “Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna are all terms the Bible uses for the location that people go when they die. I’m often asked if those are the same place, and if so, why does the Bible uses different words for them? The answer is actually pretty straight forward, so let’s look at those three terms one at a time…”

Why is There a Cult of Youth in The Modern West?

Akos Balogh leans heavily on Carl Trueman in answering the question.

Does Everything Happen for a Reason? (Video)

Sinclair Ferguson provides an answer.

Flashback: A Warning To Those Who Work With Words

You work in words, but your spouse does not. So when there are decisions to be made or arguments to be had, say your bit, but then step away and allow him or her to catch up, to form those thoughts, to make that full reply.

If you are in Christ, your scars will not have the last word over your life. His scars will.

—Sarah Walton

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