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Weekend A La Carte (May 21)

May you know the Lord’s blessings as you serve and worship him this weekend.

There are a few new Kindle deals to look at today.

(Yesterday on the blog: Should We Abandon “Evangelical?”)

Consuming ideologies

“J.K. Rowling, one of the most successful authors of all time, posted an interesting Twitter thread on April 20. I’ll call it the Parable of the Greengrocer.” Janie B. Cheaney explains.

Essentially significant

All Christians have to consider what is a valid or invalid baptism. I appreciate Stephen Kneale’s thoughts on the matter here (from a Baptist perspective).

How Do I Not Provoke My Children?

John Piper considers some of the ways that parents may provoke their children (as per the warning in Colossians 3:21).

The Puzzle of India: Post-Christian Without Ever Being Christian

This is a really interesting look at some of the challenges and blessings of ministry in modern-day India.

The Storms That Flood the Fruit

Brittany reflects on gardens and sanctification. “Sometimes the fruit seems to come easily, naturally even, to the woman or man saved by Christ. But then there are times that require persistence and perseverance. We learn to strive for the good fruit that truly only God can bring. And we learn to trust his timing, to trust him in the storms he allows, and to wait patiently for the fruit he alone can grow in us.”

Why Must We Die?

If we believe in Jesus as our Savior, why do we have to die? It’s a good question…

Flashback: Run To Win! The Lifelong Pursuits of a Godly Man

Just as self-control is the key to victory in athletics, it is the key to victory in the Christian life.

I think distractions in prayer are often because we have let ourselves wander too far from the things that matter most. And so we slip into an easily interrupted, easily distracted frame of mind.

—Amy Carmichael

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