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Weekend A La Carte (May 19)

Weekend A La Carte

Today’s Kindle deals include a few books—some new, some old–you’ll likely want to browse through.

(Yesterday on the blog: Two Questions To Ask About Your Apps)

Weddings Royal

Matthew Hosier: “Harry & Meghan represent a very modern shape of love though. She previously married, both from broken homes, both with previous romantic entanglements hiding in the background. There is a lot of complexity being brought into this marriage, as is the case for so many marriages. But the narrative is that love conquers all: the prince has found his princess, and (hopefully) they all live happily ever after.”

The Royal Weddings that Shaped European History (Video)

Equally timely today is this video showing some of the royal weddings that shaped European history.

Don’t Leave Your Convictions Behind To Get Ahead

This is an important warning from H.B. Charles Jr. “There are some convictions that define who we are. They shape our worldview and philosophy of ministry. We don’t hold these positions. They hold us! To deny what you believe would be sin.”

Is it ‘Unspiritual’ to be Discouraged?

Sinclair Ferguson answers briefly.

How Did We Get the Old Testament?

We assume a lot about the Old Testament, but this article/video tells us how it came to be. “The Old Testament is thousands of years old, and contains accounts stretching back to the beginning of time. This ancient collection of books provides the foundation of both Judaism and Christianity. So where did it come from? How did these age-old traditions, stories, and commandments make their way to modern times? These are important questions.”

Book Review: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson

There have been many reviews of this book, but I rather enjoyed this new one from Tabletalk.

Beauty From Above

This is an extraordinarily beautiful video highlighting American landscapes. I have no idea what the narration is about, but sure enjoyed the images.

Flashback: To the Other Woman’s Embrace

Where is God asking you to simply wait and trust? Where have you lost faith, or where is your faith wavering? Where is God slow to fulfill his promises to you, slow to answer prayer, slow to grant you the gift of understanding? Look right there and you may see displaced and then misplaced faith.

Neuroscience, Semiotics, and the Tower of Babel

I’m grateful to The Master’s University for sponsoring the blog this week. Sponsors play a key role in keeping this site running, so I’m thankful for each and every one of them.

It is my ignorance of God’s design that makes me quarrel with him.

—John Flavel

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