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Weekend A La Carte (May 18)


There are some rock-solid books in today’s list of Kindle deals.

(Yesterday on the blog: How Many Loves Have You Experienced Today?)

Why Preaching MIGHT Be a Walk in The Park

“To the uninitiated, I look like a man on a morning stroll. I might be noticed to be glancing at my phone, or muttering under my breath, but the true purpose of my walk is probably obscure.” I also find a “walk in the park” to be tremendously helpful for more than just keeping healthy.

We’re to Follow Christ and the Examples of Others Who Do

Randy Alcorn: “It’s not surprising that Scripture calls upon us to imitate and follow the examples of Christ (1 Peter 2:21) and God the Father (Ephesians 5:1). It’s more surprising that we are told to follow the examples of the godly people around us, and to strive, by Christ’s help, to be such examples ourselves.”

Most Abortion-Minded Women Aren’t Calculating Killers. They’re Afraid.

“Abortion is a great evil. It’s left an ugly, gaping hole in the world where millions of image-bearing children should be. While the church has largely excelled at calling this despicable spade a spade, she often fails to see this picture: a young, often impoverished, terrified woman—who knows her baby is a human!—but considers abortion anyway. Fear is incredibly potent.”

How to Use Google Maps to Save Your Parking Location

I can’t believe I didn’t know about this feature!

2 Keys to Understanding and Reaching Muslims in North America

Personally, I’ve had some wonderful spiritual conversations with Muslims and almost always find them a joy to speak to. “The world is changing and so is the face of migration. This increased fluidity and the psychological adjustments that occur in immigrant communities present an open door for gospel engagement by mission-minded Christians. Your Muslim neighbor is not someone to be feared.”

Behind Twitter’s Plan To Get People To Stop Yelling At One Another

It’s not just Christians who are grappling with the negatives of Twitter. “As the internet’s free, most popular platforms — Facebook, YouTube, Twitter — now know, people will use products in ways their inventors didn’t intend them to be used, and with software designed to “scale,” its downsides aren’t apparent until millions of people are using it. Twitter is now trying to undo the features that caused unseen, unanticipated effects — misinformation, trolling, tribalized outrage — by going back to basics.”

I will Leave for Spain by Way of You

“It is clear from the New Testament that the health of the local church is at the heart of global mission, that Paul put no division between existing churches’ growth downwards with the gospels growth outwards, that the discipleship of individuals and the development of churches could only be to the praise of God’s glory and the furtherance of God’s kingdom.”

Flashback: How to Backslide in 9 Easy Steps

Having covered the why, I’ve now drawn from Pilgrim’s Progress instruction on the how. Here is how to backslide in nine easy steps.

We must remind ourselves that God loves us, not because we are loveable, but because we are in Christ, and the love which the Father has for his Son flows over to us because we are in him.

—Jerry Bridges

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