The Root of Idolatry – R.C. Sproul Jr on watching the trailer for Son of God: “I had a profound, deep, emotional, religious experience, fueled by a man made, false presentation of Jesus. Much like the children of Israel had a profound, deep, emotional, religious experience, fueled by a man made, false presentation of God, in the form of a golden calf.”
Church Planting Success – I appreciate much of what Mez McConnell says in this article, and especially his thoughts about fear of failure.
Menlo Park Leaves the PCUSA – “Members of one of the largest congregations in the Presbyterian Church (USA) have voted to leave the denomination, despite facing an $8.89 million cost for leaving.”
An Open Apology – Here, from Christianity Today, is Katelyn Beaty’s open apology to the local church. She draws out some important and valid points.
What Works for Us – Here is a quick look at how just one family does their time of family worship. What works for them might work for you.
10 Technological Breakthroughs – Here are 10 recent technological breakthroughs that may just change the world.