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Weekend A La Carte (March 3)


Today’s Kindle deals include several books geared mostly to preachers and academics.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Incredibles, Cars … and The Pilgrim’s Progress: Interview with a Pixar Artist)

Why Gen Z’s Call for ‘Safe Spaces’ Is Good News for Churches

“One of the defining characteristics for today’s teens—who have grown up in a constantly connected, socially evolving world—is their desire for ‘safe spaces,’ settings where they can expect inclusivity without fear of judgment. In recent weeks, in the wake of the latest school shooting, we’ve also seen this generation speaking out for literal safe spaces.” Could this be a good thing for churches?

Inside the Alexa Prize

Tech titans Amazon, Google, and Apple are all committed to getting us to begin speak to our devices. Here’s how Amazon is trying to make those devices actually worth talking to.

Can a Christian be Demon Possessed? (Video)

‘”Can a Christian be demon possessed?’ Dr. Stephen Wellum answers in Honest Answers.”

Burning Out: What Really Happens Inside a Crematorium

This article is all about cremation and include it since in the last few years cremation has grown s substantially that today almost 50% of bodies are cremated.

Should We Kiss Solomon’s Dating Advice Goodbye?

Iain Duguid writes, “I once asked a college class to give me the definition of ‘the perfect woman.’ Immediately, one of the girls blurted out, ‘a cute, chaste, cooking, cleaning, childbearing Christian who is clever (but not too clever).’ And then she added, ‘Not that I’m bitter, of course.’ In their search for love, men suffer from similar frustrations. The whole process can be deeply confusing. In God’s providence, there is a whole book of the Bible, the Song of Songs, which addresses the deep desire and longing in our hearts to love and be loved.”

What is the History of Crucifixion?

This article answers the question, “What is the history of crucifixion? What was crucifixion like?” We think we know these things, but it is good to be reminded.

Conway Checkers – Numberphile (Video)

This fun little video may be of interest to people who love numbers.

I Slipped From My Husband’s Mind

What a sad article about a wife who slipped from her husband’s mind as he fell deeper into Alzheimer’s.

Flashback: Four Reasons to Read Good Books

Reading is a pleasure worth learning to love and pursue, even if it requires some effort at first. However, whether it is pleasure or pain, commit yourself to read to know, read to grow, read to lead and read to love.

Do not expect, my friend, that the whole world will rejoice if you become a Christian.

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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