How Can Hummingbirds Hover So Well? That’s a questions scientists have wrestled with for a long time.
Gene Veith writes about Who the Unchurched Really Are. “Can it be that American Christianity, with roots in this culture, has become so prosperous and middle class that it would rather not deal with people from this social class?”
Richard Phillips answers this question: Why Are There So Many Singles? “Why does it seem that God withholds marriage for so many when he clearly upholds it, encourages it, desires it, etc.? Why are there so many singles who want marriage but don’t seem to find it?”
It really is that simple: We Complain Because We Forget.
I appreciate these 10 Pointers for Untrained Preachers.
Thanks to Helping Without Hurting in Short-Term Missions for sponsoring the blog this week with their article Short-Term Missions: Redefining Success.