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Weekend A La Carte (March 26)

May the Lord grant you his richest blessings as you serve and worship him this weekend.

Today’s Kindle deals include a number of good options.

(Yesterday on the blog: Strange New World)

Does Predestination Mean God Is the Author of Sin?

Michael Horton begins his answer to the question by drawing an important distinction. “This question is a struggle for so many. It’s important to keep in mind that there is a distinction—a very important distinction—between God’s active decree and his permissive decree.”

Decision Time

Acknowledging all the turmoil in recent days and months, Matthew Hosier–very wisely, I believe–counsels pastors and church members to stay put until at least the summer. “There are times when it is right to move congregation, to change occupation, to adjust our theology – but I’m not sure now is that time. Hold fast. Love and serve Jesus by loving and serving the church. Plant and heal and build. It’s that time.”

Is It ‘Christian’ for Europe to Welcome Refugees from Ukraine but Not Syria?

As refugees stream out of Ukraine, it has been interesting to compare their reception with that of Syrian refugees. This article from Christianity Today covers that issue very well. “Since the invasion, about 4 million of Ukraine’s population of 43 million have become refugees. Another 6.5 million are internally displaced. Yet 11 years since its civil war, most of Syria’s 6.8 million refugees—out of a population of 20 million—still live in limbo. Europe largely shut its doors, certainly in comparison to its warm welcome of those fleeing Russian aggression.”

Let the Global Church Give You Perspective

I really appreciate Trevin Wax’s counsel here. “One of the best ways to maintain sound doctrine and gain perspective on some of our society’s most heated debates is to stay in close contact with Christians in other parts of the world. Cultural quirks and theological distinctions will help you discern what’s essential and where Christians can ‘agree to disagree.’”

Your Job is to Make Words Clear

Pastors, as you prepare to preach this weekend, make sure you remember: Your job is to make words clear. “Preaching goes way beyond clarification of the meaning of a string of words. But preaching won’t go anywhere good if it bypasses this critical element of the task.”

God Sees The Whole Picture

This article from Sylvia Schroeder reminds us that God, and God alone, sees the whole picture.

Flashback: Get to Know Yourself

To know myself, I need to look outside of myself. My best assessment of self does not come from within but from without. It does not originate with me but with God.

Down then into the dust; there you are in the fittest place and posture for delightful converse with God.

—John Howe

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