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Weekend A La Carte (March 23)

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My gratitude goes to P&R Publishing for sponsoring the blog this week so they could tell you about a tremendous new resource: Perfect Unity by Ralph Cunnington.

Today’s Kindle deals include quite an extensive list of titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: Gospel Generosity)

Feminine Emotionalism and the Evangelical Conscience

This is a fascinating and thought-provoking article about the church.

The Love Chapter Reimagined

Nathan Eshelman reimagines the famous “love chapter” in Corinthians. While he does so in ways specific to his denomination, I expect you will be able to make the bridge to your own.

An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Paul Levy celebrates Jesus and the way he draws us to himself. “He makes an offer you can’t refuse. You are not forcing yourself to believe, your arm is not twisted. We were drawn willingly by Jesus Christ. He calls us to believe by his Word and his Spirit.”

Might Will Not Make Right

“You don’t have to be a hitman or tribal headhunter to use violence to serve your ambition. You can commit violence to someone’s name, reputation, or finances. Violence is a frame of mind before it is a physical act. It is an ends-justify-the-means philosophy. You harden your heart to the pain you inflict on others in order to advance yourself.”

Six Responsibilities for the Elders of Every Church

Writing for TGC Canada, Dwayne Cline has a helpful look at the six responsibilities of the elders of every church. “God emphasizes the character traits He is looking for in an elder because an elder represents Him before the church and the world. Character can be easily overlooked when a church is desperate for leadership. Because God is concerned with His integrity and glory, character is of utmost importance.”

Going Deeper

“I want to go deeper; I desire to have more robust communion with God. That’s the struggle for all Christians, isn’t it? Or, at the very least, it should be. We should all want deeper fellowship with the Lord. Every single one of us should sincerely desire to have a more profound experience with God. Deeper communion leads to deeper sanctification.”

Flashback: Why Do We Add To Our Trouble?

We make our way more difficult when we give ourselves over to sin. Every sin is a weight, every vice a heavy load to our souls. Sin burdens the mind, clouds the judgment, afflicts the conscience.

Some preachers evidently do not believe that the Lord is with their gospel, because, in order to attract and save sinners, their gospel is insufficient, and they have to add to it inventions of men.

—Charles Spurgeon

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