Today’s Kindle deals include some solid ones like The Attributes of God by A.W. Pink–pretty much a must-read.
Logos users will want to check out the new list of commentaries and courses at 45% off.
(Yesterday on the blog: I Believe!)
The Madness of Daylight Saving Time Endures
It’s that time again. And it still doesn’t really make sense! (Also, I’m in Hawaii this weekend and it seems like the whole state just skips it altogether…)
Evangelicalism After Billy Graham
“As soon as word broke about the death of Billy Graham, the most influential Christian evangelist of the twentieth century, scholars and admirers began asking: ‘Will there ever be another Billy Graham?’ The consensus seems to be ‘no.’” There are several reasons for that.
17 Statements that a Paedobaptist and a Credobaptist Can Both Affirm
“Tucked away in a footnote to Mark Dever’s chapter in the book, Believer’s Baptism: Sign of the New Covenant, ed. Tom Schreiner and Shawn Wright, there is an interesting footnote. In the summer of 2001 pastors Mark Dever (SBC) and David Coffin (PCA) held a public conversation at Capitol Hill Baptist Church on baptism. They came up with the following 17 statements that both could affirm.”
Porn Is Not the Worst Thing on
This one is for parents whose children like to keep up with social media. Note there’s a graphic picture in there and some adult topics. “ looks innocent — just kids making music videos, and it is that, but more so it’s this: user uploaded content by millions of people who can also live stream, which is how I first encountered porn on A very helpful naked man live-streamed his live stream.”
Does God Hear the Prayers of an Unbeliever? (Video)
“‘Does God hear the prayers of an unbeliever?’ Dr. Donald Whitney answers in Honest Answers.”
Did the Laodicean Church Write a Letter?
Did the church in Laodicea write a letter to the church in Colossae?
A Better Country For Mom
My friend Sam has written a poignant article about his mother.
Mind the Gap
This is an interesting one about the gender pay gap. It shows how it’s very difficult to understand if, how, and why such a gap exists.
Flashback: An Intimidating Opportunity
I believe God is pleased when we pursue hobbies. I also believe that we can confidently pursue them and do them for the glory of God even if there is no obviously redeeming value in them.