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Weekend A La Carte (June 8)

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My gratitude goes to TWR for sponsoring the blog this week. TWR is committed to reaching the world for Christ by mass media and wants to encourage you to bring your skills to the missions world.

There is a pretty good collection of Kindle deals today, including some general market titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Way You Walk)

Fighting for Faith When Doubts Abound

Sarah tells us how important it is to fight for faith when doubts abound. “There’s a pervasive belief that subtly infiltrates my thought life. One that, deep down, still believes God would keep me from harm and rescue me from pain if he truly loved me. And if he’s truly in control, and a good, loving Father, why does he answer other’s prayers, but continue to seem silent to ours?”

The Incredible Blessing of My Father’s Difficult Final Months

This is a beautiful telling of a difficult time.

Bible Translations Are for People

I appreciate articles like this one for the way they help us more deeply respect the task of Bible translation.

Why You Can’t Let Yourself Feel Content

If you’re familiar with discontentment (and which of us isn’t?) you’ll find yourself encouraged and challenged by Justin Poythress’ article. “I’ve prayed about discontentment. I’ve confessed it. I keep a gratitude journal. But it was only this past year that I got a breakthrough as to the real problem. I don’t want to be content. I’m afraid of it.”

The Means of Doing Much Good

I’ve often been inspired by the life and legacy of Selina Hastings. If you’re not familiar with the name, be sure to read this short account of a small part of her life.

Did Jesus Do Miracles as a Man by the Power of the Spirit?

If you’re up for some slightly more involved reading on a Saturday, you should read Guy Richards’ thoughts about whether Jesus did miracles as a man by the power of the Spirit.

Flashback: Could You Use Some Joy Today?

Hoarding wealth for ourselves gives far less lasting satisfaction than contributing wealth to God’s causes. Where we tend to associate joy with how much we get, higher joy comes from how freely we give.

No matter what good truths you have to teach, no one will thank you if you do not speak kindly.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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