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Weekend A La Carte (June 26)

May the Lord of peace grant you his richest blessings this weekend.

Today’s Kindle deals include a number of classics and a couple of contemporary works.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Books for June 2021)

What the Bible Teaches About Rejection and Embrace

Megan Taylor: “We have everyday encounters with rejection in job searches, auditions, and relationships, and yet it never seems to get any easier. Rejection undercuts our deep desire to belong, and too often we settle for the shallow approval of the world rather than the eternal embrace of the Father.”

Don’t Read Providence Like Scripture

It’s good advice, this. “There is a subtle and profound danger in confusing the book of Providence (what God sovereignly does) and the book of Scripture (what God clearly says). As God’s people, we would be foolish to ignore God’s work in this world through ordinary, everyday means. Amen, our God is always at work. However…”

Should Christians Visit Cemeteries?

I spend a fair bit of time at a cemetery these days, so appreciate John Piper’s handling of this question.

The Enduring Lesson of the Galileo Myth

Joe Carter addresses a myth about Galileo: “The real story is not about an enlightened scientist being persecuted by a narrow-minded Catholic Church because that story is mostly a myth. It’s not a story about a great scientific genius either, though he mainly was that.”

Forbear with One Another

There is some good material here on the Christian discipline of forbearing with others.

Get Sovereignty Right & the Rest Falls Into Place

Sovereignty is one of those doctrines. If you get it right, a lot else falls into place behind it.

Flashback: Have You Looked Into the Mirror Today?

As the mirror hanging on the wall reflects the outer man, the mirror of God’s Word reflects the inner man. For this reason every Christian needs to gaze into the mirror of the Word to assess the state of his heart.

To teach men that they possess the ability to turn from sin when they choose to do so is to hide the true extent of their need.

—Iain Murray

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