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Weekend A La Carte (June 22)

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I’m grateful to Moody Publishers for sponsoring the blog this week. They wanted to ensure you know about Nate Pickowicz’s timely new book The Kindness of God. Sponsors play a key role in keeping this site going and I am grateful to each and every one of them.

Today’s Kindle deals include a book by J.I. Packer and some others to go with it. Also among them is my own Seasons of Sorrow.

(Yesterday on the blog: We Need Qualified Leadership)

Motherhood: An Unassuming Currency

“Motherhood is often the sipping of lukewarm coffee. It’s the crunch of Cheerios underfoot. It’s washing dishes and waking to wash dishes…again. Mothering leaves us exhausted. We work around the clock, and the laundry is still half-folded. When we’ve left careers, trade promotions, and external achievements for more time at home, this discouragement is compounded by the fear of not keeping up. In a productivity-driven society, the work of the home lacks the same prestige and influence we gain in our careers. To the world, an emphasis on home is a waste of education and talent.”

Is Gentle Parenting Biblical? An Open Letter From a Dad to Dads

Chap Bettis aims this article about gentle parenting at dads. “It is true that moms are some of the most important and hardest working disciple-makers the church has. They bring unique strengths we as men don’t have. But even as Scripture calls women to be the primary heart-makers of our children, we as men are called to lead our households well. We are ultimately responsible before God for the direction we go and the policies we implement as a family.”

How Do I Navigate a Painful Breakup?

Esther Liu offers counsel to those who may be navigating a painful breakup.

What Does the Great Commission Mean When It Says to Disciple a Nation?

Justin Taylor does some work to determine what the Great Commission means when it calls Christians to disciple a nation.

Three Reasons to Show Up to the Prayer Meeting

Here are three good reasons to prioritize your church’s prayer meeting.

More Wonderful Than Being Beautiful

Tanner Swanson: “How many women, as we stand before the mirror, stand before women we find displeasing, even ugly? We think our hair thin, our skin splotchy, our shoulders sunken, our arms gangly. Even the smallest of body parts — ears, toes, molars — can chafe with critique. They are too pointy, too crooked, too yellow. Nearly every part of us could use more weight, or less weight, or a different shape or texture or color.”

Flashback: Each Man Before the Mob

We should be happier if a man follows a different path than we do while heeding his conscience than if he imitates us while violating it. 

If you want to see what judgment looks like, go to the cross. If you want to see what love looks like, go to the cross.

—D.A. Carson

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