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Weekend A La Carte (July 8)

We are right in the heart of summer here. It’s warm, it’s sunny, it’s beautiful. We’ve had one of my sisters and her family visit us already with a second one en route. Then, starting next week, we are going to enjoy some vacation both home and away. But for another week it’s business as usual, so here is another collection of interesting articles and videos for you.

A Spiritual Inheritance

I love this, and think I speak for many when I say I couldn’t care less whether I ever receive as much as a dime as a financial inheritance from my parents. What they’ve have already left and continue to leave behind is infinitely more precious. “In a day when multitudes are enthusiastically committing themselves to Christian financial management principles, it would serve us well to consider what sort of inheritance we are storing up for our children.”

The Pitch Drop Experiment

Here’s a science experiment that began 80 years ago and just keeps going. “Though at room temperature pitch appears to be a solid and can be shattered by a hammer, it is, in fact, a very high-viscosity liquid, and Professor Parnell wanted to prove it.”

Call Me Billy

I don’t often link to poetry, but am making an exception today. In this case, the final stanza makes the poem.

A Threat in Every Age

Dan Doriani illustrates how friendly theological liberalism is a threat in every age, including this one.

Failing Contraception

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service, whatever this is, says one in four women who had an abortion in 2016 were using the most reliable methods of contraception. Here’s a chilling quote: “Family planning is contraception and abortion. Abortion is birth control that women need when their regular method lets them down.”

Your Brain On Fentanyl (Video)

We’re suddenly hearing a lot about Fentanyl in the news. Here’s a short video telling what it does to the human body.

Don’t Publicly Contradict the Bible

It can be unhelpful to contradict a Bible translation while preaching. This article explains why.

Flashback: Envy Always Wins

Envy always wins, unless I put that sin to death.

Pastor H.B. Charles Hosts The Fourth Annual Cutting It Straight Conference

Thanks to Cutting It Straight for sponsoring the blog this week! If you’re involved in ministry or church leadership, you ought to check out their event.

Anxieties feel endless and infinite, but they’re finite and specific.

—David Powlison

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