May you know the Lord’s richest blessings as you serve and worship him this weekend.
Today’s Kindle deals include a list of relatively new books and a list of classics.
(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Books for July 2021)
Fighting Fear and Anxiety
Keith Mathison: “The world is fearful and anxious, but it is fearful and anxious about the wrong things.”
Second-Hand Reality Check
A house fire (at a neighbor’s) has Jamie Charles thinking about earthly possessions.
A New Perspective on Friendship
“My tears flowed as I shared my deep sense of loneliness and isolation in this season of life. As I dug deep, I discovered that it wasn’t actually my life circumstances or my job choice that was causing this desire for change, but that I was longing for friendship. It also wasn’t the first time I had said these things. I knew loneliness would come with many of these changes—there are whole books written about loneliness in motherhood!—but it felt like I had done all that I could.”
More Than Seven Sons
Dan Crabtree provides “application from the book of Ruth that has been precious to me in recent days. Ruth teaches us that godly, loyal love will compel us to care for our in-laws, or more broadly for our families.”
For the Sunset of Summer—A Summer Reading List for 2021
Al Mohler (somewhat belatedly) shares his summer reading list for 2021.
Cul-de-sacs or Conduits?
“Am I a cul-de-sac? Do I receive the blessings of God for my own benefit without passing them on? Do I hoard them for myself alone? Or am I a conduit of God’s blessing and love, spreading his blessing to others?”
Flashback: What Is the Bible, Anyway?
The Bible guides us to its purpose and power through the many metaphors it uses to describe itself. Here is a pretty good collection of them.