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Weekend A La Carte (July 30)

Weekend A La Carte

Logos users may like to know that several major new works have just made the transition to the Logos format: Zechariah by Mark Boda (NICOT); Romans by Richard Longenecker (NIGTC); and The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures by D.A. Carson.

Your Work Never Goes Unseen

This is sweet and encouraging: “God sees. And all things done for his glory and in his name are never wasted. That includes the laundry we fold, the meals we prepare, and all the quiet, mundane acts of service we provide for our family.”

Online Bible Study Resources

Nathan Busenitz shares some of his favorite free online Bible study resources.

The Best Way to Organize Your Desk

“When you spend hours at your desk every day, even the smallest features of your workspace–such as the position of your monitor or the height of your chair–can greatly affect your productivity and even your health. Here’s what science says about the best way to set up your office for ergonomics and productivity.”

Machias Seal Island

I didn’t know that there are ongoing territorial disputes between Canada and the US. “Little known to most Americans and Canadians, the U.S. and Canada hold five border disputes to this day.”

The Power Is in the Word, Not in Methods

Here’s a short but important reminder from R.C. Sproul.

The Most Relentless Propagator of Racism

This is important considering how many people are drowning in a cesspool of porn: “ugly and brutal racial stereotypes are being crassly perpetuated by one of the largest capitalist enterprises in the United States of America: the porn industry.”

This Day in 1956. 60 years ago today, “In God We Trust” became the official motto of the United States by an act of Congress signed by President Eisenhower. *

The Decline of British English, Visualized

Even I, as a Canadian, have pretty well given up on British English.

How to See Productivity from a Biblical Perspective

“Productivity sometimes seems like a bad thing, or at least a purposeless one. We work and produce more, more more, but to what end? Is there a purpose to all our productivity? From a biblical perspective, there is.”

Flashback: Paul Washer’s 7 Concerns with the New Calvinism

A few years ago I interviewed Paul Washer and he laid out 7 concerns with the New Calvinism. Are they still valid today?

The Tyranny of Tolerance

My thanks goes to Impact360 for sponsoring the blog this week with “3 Practical Steps to Resist the Tyranny of Tolerance.”


Peace in the gospel is not just a ceasefire, but the ability to look at people who were formerly foes and call them family.

—John Onwuchekwa

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