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Weekend A La Carte (July 28)


Once again I haven’t been able to track down much by way of Kindle deals, though there is at least one classic there that may be good to add to your collection.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Few Humble Suggestions for Reformed Worship Services)

7 Spiritual Realities of God’s Church

“The Bible is full of descriptions and metaphors of how God sees the church. Each one helps us to understand a facet of the church’s spiritual identity and God’s love, care, and communion with the body of believers.”

Southern Baptists Work to Address Sexual Abuse

There has been lots of talk about the SBC lately; here’s some of what has been going on behind the scenes. “As one of his first official acts, J. D. Greear, the newly elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), will partner with the denomination’s policy arm, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), to form a study group on sexual abuse. The group will be composed of both Southern Baptist leaders and also outside experts who will advise Greear on a broad range of issues related to sexual abuse, including sexual assault and domestic violence.”

Paul Washer Got Abducted in Peru. Not Kidding (Video)

In this episode of Wretched, you’ll hear about a rather unusual anecdote from Paul Washer’s life.

Why the God of the Qur’an Cannot Forgive Sins

Again, we should prepare ourselves to share the gospel with Muslims. “Almost every system or religion proposes some sort of love. From systems in the east to the west, they feature some concept of love. Both the Qur’an and the Bible do so. They both teach that God is loving. But, what do they mean by love? And, what is it about the God of the Qur’an and the God of the Bible that renders them loving? Most assertions of love remain in realm of abstract or human-to-human benevolence. How can we tangibly measure love?”

Grammar Purity is One Big Ponzi Scheme

“Every student of grammar needs to understand that underlying all discussions of grammar propriety is a struggle over who gets to call the shots—whose English is the official English.”

How Elephants Listen … With Their Feet | Deep Look (Video)

Who knew? “African elephants may have magnificent ears, but on the savanna, they communicate over vast distances by picking up underground signals with their sensitive, fatty feet.”

When Is Enough, Enough?

This is important. “Everybody you love will not change into people that love God and others more than themselves. How you respond to this fact will determine the kind of rest you experience in your soul and how you relate to the unchanging person.”

Flashback: Why We Fail at Family Devotions

Make sure you allow your family devotions to reflect the uniqueness of your family. Make them your own, and do them for the good of your family and the glory of God. Mostly, just do them.

The Power of Discipleship

This week the blog is sponsored by The Gospel Project. Sponsors play a key role in keeping this site running, so I’m thankful for each and every one of them.

The answer to bad theology can never be no theology. It must be good theology.

—Bruce Shelley

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