Is anything more exasperating than a toddler who won’t eat what you give him? ERLC gets to the heart of the matter.
Ever wondered How Bitcoin Works? This video explains, though not enough to take away all my confusion.
I recently watched a pre-release of the film The Drop Box. Here’s a trailer for what is a moving film.
Many people have a workday that is filled with meetings–and often not very good meetings. Here’s why.
Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus have The Only Solution for World Poverty.
Unfortunately Ordinary Kids Read As Infrequently As Ordinary Adults, according to this article.
Thanks to HCSB for sponsoring the blog this week with their article What Does It Mean to Say a Bible Translation Is Faithful?
Why Does God Love Us? As R.C. Sproul Jr. says, “It might be a sound argument as to why He ought not to love us that we find this question surprising.”