Caught on Email – You’d think people would catch on eventually, but as this article proves, people continue to get trapped by their own emails.
How to Jesus Juke a Justin Bieber Story – Joe Carter means to be thought-provoking here.
Dodging Haymakers Outside the Abortion Clinic – Owen Strachan: “My welcome-to-ministry moment at the abortion clinic began with a haymaker. It was fitting. Louisville is the city of Ali. Up to this moment, I had connected with the area’s boxing culture only by gazing at billboards along the way featuring the dashing young Mr. Clay. Now, I found myself in my own personal boxing ring.”
Going to the Doctor for Depression Meds – David Murray responds to someone who “told me that he had finally and reluctantly decided to go to the doctor about his painful and debilitating depression and ask about going on meds. I knew this person had tried every other spiritual and commonsense remedy but was simply not getting better.” He shares his response.
Church Planter Podcast – I was recently a guest on the Church Planter Podcast. Scroll down a bit to episode 41.
Stand for Life 2014 – Here’s a conversation on abortion between John Piper, Francis Chan and John Ensor.