You may enjoy this article on The Jennifer Epidemic. It traces the rising and waning of the most popular baby names over the past decades. And apparently there has never been a name like Jennifer.
Al Mohler looks at Downtown Abbey and asks What Are Americans Really Watching?
Here is an Ode to Skymall as it announces its bankruptcy. “SkyMall, that stupid wonderful completely American wonder that, with its insistence that you take your own free copy, announced it was your right as a human in the ‘90s to never not be shopping.”
Gavin Ortlund offers 7 Principles of Sabbath Rest. “Here are 7 principles about Sabbath rest that I am learning. I share them in hopes they might help others fighting the battle of busyness, fatigue, and endurance.”
Amazing Grace is a brief and quirky update from Scotland and the ministry 20 Schemes (which I both love and support!).
Jamie Brown has an interesting one: Pointing at the Same Thing from Different Angles.