It’s another quiet day on the Kindle front, but there are still a few Kindle deals to be had.
A Call to Faithfulness from Os Guinness
This is a great quote from Os Guinness. It’s one to ponder.
The $100 Mall
“Back in 2005, the Galleria at Pittsburgh Mills opened 1.1 million square feet of retail space, welcoming Western Pennsylvania shoppers to what was then the largest mall in that part of the state.” It just sold for $100.
Manipulative Repentance
“The recognition that there are healthy and unhealthy forms of repentance is both common sense and biblical (2 Corinthians 7:8-13). On this everyone agrees; secular and sacred. The difficulty is in discerning disingenuous repentance.” Brad Hambrick offers help.
What Being an Editor Taught Me About Writing
Anyone who writes will benefit from reading this article. It’s full of excellent tips.
73-17 is an interesting collaboration between Desiring God and Humble Beast Records. It is “a sincere and passionate plea to black and white alike, to men and women alike, to all who would pause to ponder the power of personhood. In particular the film acknowledges the pain and addresses the plight of countless black women who, next to the children, have been the greatest victims of this system. What is a person? A person is you — as human today as you were in the womb.”
This Day in 1525. 492 years ago today Anabaptist movement came into being in Zurich, Switzerland, after Conrad Grebel baptized George Blaurock, a former monk, in secret. *
Is Hand Sanitizer Bad For You (Video)?
Is hand sanitizer actually bad for you? This video explains.
9 Things You Should Know About the Health Effects of Marijuana
Joe Carter does another of his roundups.
6 Generations
Here’s a family in the UK that has six generations surviving all at the same time.
Flashback: When You’re at Your Best, Plan for Your Worst
This principle has been so important to me in life: When you are at your best, plan for when you are at your worst.
Context Changes Everything
I’m grateful to Zondervan for sponsoring the blog this week.