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Weekend A La Carte (January 2)


You Can Change

Tim Chester brings some timely encouragement. “What does it mean for us to be a new creation? It means we’re re-created in the image of God. It means we’re given new life so we can grow like Christ. And being like Christ means being like God, reflecting God’s glory as God’s image.”

Dangerous Resolutions

“…we need to be careful. There is a danger in resolutions. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not advocating a wholesale rejection of all good goals. I believe Christian leaders should be living lives characterized by heartfelt discipline and healthy physical, personal, relational and ministry habits. But we need to be careful.”

The Best iPhone / iPad App For Tracking Your Bible Reading

Nathan Bingham highlights an app you may find helpful.

Dear Media: Stop Trying To Teach Christians Theology

Yes, please. Please stop trying to teach us what Christianity is all about.

Living Reasonably in an Unreasonable Age

How do Christians live reasonably in an unreasonable age? Don Bailey offers some answers.

This Day in 1921. 95 years ago today, “KDKA aired the first religious service in the history of radio” out of Pittsburg, PA. *

Abraham’s Ages at Ten Major Events

Short, simple, and helpful.

6 Questions Preachers Should Ask of Every Sermon

Here’s one for the preachers. I have found that asking the right questions of my sermons is a very important discipline.

Clarifying the Bible

Thanks to Clarifying the Bible for sponsoring the blog this week with their article Clarifying the Bible Helps Your Bible Reading.


We are saved as a gift of God’s grace so that we might be sent as a gift of God’s grace.

—Kevin Dibbley

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