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Weekend A La Carte (January 11)

Today’s Kindle deals include several excellent classics and a couple of newer works.

(Yesterday on the blog: Piercing Heaven: A Prayer Book You’ll Actually Use)

Humbly Coming Before Our Father

“Although most people, even many professing Christians, believe that everyone is a child of God in a spiritual way, the word of God is undeniably clear that only those who are united to the Son by faith are the adopted children of God. These, and these alone, are those with whom Paul includes himself when he says, “Because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba! Father!’”

New Year, New Fears

I think Eleazar speaks for quite a few people when he talks about the fear that can come with a new year. “For me, every new year brings uncertainty, and 2020 is no different. Before me lies twelve unwrapped boxes containing the expected and the unexpected. The good and the bad. The victories and the defeats. The joys and the sorrows. And I’ll get to open these boxes one after the other, not knowing what to expect.”

Stop Believing in Free Shipping

The expectation of free shipping is, not unexpectedly, causing a number of problems, especially among smaller retailers that can’t compete with Amazon.

Talking to Jehovah’s Witnesses? Start Here

STR has rounded up some of their resources on Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you’re planning to meet with some JWs, or expect to in the near future, these may prove valuable.

The Radiological Incident in Lia, Georgia

Here’s the odd story of an unexpected radiological incident in Georgia.

Ask Ligonier with Sinclair Ferguson

Sinclair Ferguson recently participated in an “Ask Ligonier” session and answered all kinds of questions.

How One Photographer Captures the Glory of Birds in Flight

There is so much beauty in God’s creation—even in the movement of birds.

Flashback: How Well Do You Know Your Hymns? (A Quiz)

How well do you know your hymns and their authors? This little quiz is designed to find out!

It is not wrong to come to God with specific needs and desires. The problem is when we become utterly convinced of what God’s will is and refuse to be still until we see that very thing come about.

—Tessa Thompson

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