My gratitude goes to Thomas Nelson for sponsoring the blog this week so you could learn about the new Timeless Truths Bible which is designed with the history of the Christian church in mind. “It will remind you that, as you read the Word of God, you’re a part of a sacred communion made up of believers past and present. Not only is this particular Bible beautifully designed, it has also been carefully crafted with selected features to help you in your journey through the text.”
There are, indeed, some new Kindle deals to look through today.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Deconstruction of Christianity)
The Gospel Is About Going to Heaven When You Die
“You have heard it said, ‘The Gospel is not about going to heaven when you die.’ Don’t sing about ‘flying away’ when this life is over. Don’t preach about God’s celestial shore or the mansion for His children in the air. These sermons are ‘escapist’ and Christians who listen to them become apathetic about this life, ignore injustice, or shrug their shoulders about the misery of the poor. If we keep preaching this false gospel, the Church will only care about getting to heaven, not doing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.”
We Need More Repellently Attractional Churches
Stephen McAlpine says that we need more “repellently attractional” churches. And while his context is Australia, I think there’s lots for us to learn on this side of the globe as well.
Partiality: Not a Victimless Sin
Brad Hambrick considers the sin of partiality. “God isn’t showing partiality toward the poor to “balance the scales of history.” The harder road to faith for the affluent isn’t a punishment from God. The experience of wealth tends to create a façade of self-sufficiency that makes it less likely for some to see their need for a Savior. When it comes to being an heir to the kingdom, being poor is an advantage.”
The Single Most Encouraging Thing for a Pastor
What is the single most encouraging thing for a pastor to see among the people he serves? I’m very much inclined to agree with Steve’s take on it.
Amazing Grace in Deep Despair: The Rare Friendship of Newton and Cowper
This is a fantastic telling of the friendship between John Newton and William Cowper.
What Is Typology?
If you’ve ever wondered what biblical typology is all about, this will serve as a helpful explanation.
Flashback: The Character of the Christian: Sound Judgment
God does not call only elders or prospective elders to be “sober-minded, self-controlled, and respectable”—He calls every Christian to pursue these traits.