Brian, Rob and Don – “A decade ago, they stood as the leading voices for our evangelical future. We all know what happened since. But do we know why?” Writing for Christianity Today, Kevin Miller has some ideas.
Keeping It Real – This infographic highlights the top ten reasons people prefer printed books to ebooks.
Unbroken – If the movie of Unbroken is half as good as the book, it will be fantastic. Here’s a trailer for it. (With Hollywood’s track record, half as good is probably about as good as we can hope for.)
Antinomianism – Justin Dillehay’s review of Mark Jones’ book Antinomianism is a very helpful introduction to the topic. Even if you don’t intend to read the book, you’ll benefit from the review.
Cleaner Throws Out “Rubbish” Art – This is too funny. “A cleaner has mistakenly thrown away contemporary artworks meant to be part of an exhibition in southern Italy. Works made out of newspaper and cardboard, and cookie pieces scattered across the floor as part of Sala Murat’s display were thrown out.”
Baby Rescued on Expressway – You probably heard about this one: “Traffic came to a halt on the Dolphin Expressway in Miami on Thursday night when 37-year-old Pamela Rauseo stopped her SUV, jumped out and cried for help. In her arms was her nephew, 5-month-old Sebastian de la Cruz — and he wasn’t breathing.”