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Weekend A La Carte (February 15)

A La Carte Collection cover image

6 Factors That Do Not Affect Inerrancy – C. Michael Patton gives six factors that do not affect inerrancy. This is an important subject at a time when people work hard to discredit the Bible.

Redeeming Valentine’s Day – I enjoyed reading Bob Kauflin’s tale of how he and his wife, Julie, met and married.

What You Don’t Need to Forgive – “Not everything that bothers or annoys us needs to be forgiven. Forgiveness is only for moral offenses. When we try to use forgiveness as the method to resolve relational irritants that are not moral in nature several bad things happen.” This article lays it out.

Biblical Womanhood for Pariahs – This is an important subject: “A few years ago, a friend in the process of divorce encouraged me to write on the topic of pariahs in the church. These are the believing women around us whose life circumstances make us uncomfortable – the Ruths and Naomis in our culture.”

The Ideal Modern Marriage – “The secret of a happy marriage has changed, reports the UK’s Independent … In former times, marriage was for food, shelter, and physical safety. Then, as society moved from a rural economy to an industrial one, marriage involved men as providers, women as homemakers. Now, in our post-industrial world, marriage is all about each partner finding their own potential.”

The Most Satisfying Thing – Kenny Sailors is 91 years old. He is credited with inventing the jump shot as an alternative to the two-handed, flat-footed set shot. He talks about what has been most satisfying in his life.


It is your duty to believe and to teach what the Bible teaches, not what you want it to teach.

—R.C. Sproul

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